The "Really Should Be..." It feels like a mix of guilt, uncertainty, mild ADD and anxiety all rolled you mean that you find yourself wasting time doing stuff that is just to manage your mood?
It appears first thing in the morning and has been nagging me most of my life...
Sometimes I *do* zone out when it gets too mentally tiring.
(But I've also been recognizing it and talking myself thru it lately. "You're OK!", "It's not all on you", "One thing at a time", "If they're not getting twisted, why should you" etc etc.)
So, just had a stressful day of face-to-face con calls, and a to-do list for tomorrow and next week.
Got thru a lot of it, and now I've taken a detour, listening to a few old songs on YouTube, in the "First time hearing", or "Reacting to" genre -
Not really a time waster since I find it cathartic and invigorating...
(it's different than mindlessly scrolling)
Here's two from just now -
Sounds of silence
Comfortably Numb