Social Anxiety/Phobia podcast episodes?

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Social Anxiety/Phobia podcast episodes?

Post by JustanotherDave »

I hope I'm posting this in the right place. I was just diagnosed with Social Anxiety Disorder (aka: Generalized Social Phobia, or Social Phobia if you're a DSM-V kind of person). This is something I've suspected for a long time, but now I have the desire to change things and I'll be starting therapy soon.

Anyway - I was hoping that if anyone knows of episodes where social anxiety has been the main (or even not main) topic, if they could post the episode number here? I only started listening recently so my only other option is to go back and listen to everything (not a terrible option anyway).

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Re: Social Anxiety/Phobia podcast episodes?

Post by JustanotherDave »

Ok... I'm bingeing on episodes, starting from the first episode. I'll post here when I come across ones that social anxiety is discussed in.

However the first one I've came across is the current episode: Episode 143: Erica Rhodes ( Although it's "Bipolar II" in the description, I think this episode touches on many social anxiety subjects.
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Re: Social Anxiety/Phobia podcast episodes?

Post by JustanotherDave »

I can't edit posts, so I guess I'll have to make a new reply when I find a new one.

Episode 16: Danielle Koenig
Not specifically about social anxiety, but lots of talk about fear and humiliation.
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Re: Social Anxiety/Phobia podcast episodes?

Post by JustanotherDave »

Episode 55, Meghan Parkansky. WOW

This was a great episode chock full of social anxiety. Her schizophrenic break was fascinating - not in a 'oh hey look at that' way, but in a 'oh, yikes, that could be me' kind of way. It was great to hear Meghan talk about getting better as well. A+++
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Re: Social Anxiety/Phobia podcast episodes?

Post by Pigeon »

Thank you for sharing your findings!
There was a gathering at my house last night and I'm holed up in my room with a social situation hangover :P I could use some soothing commiseration! I'm off to listen to some of those episodes.
Just breathe.
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Re: Social Anxiety/Phobia podcast episodes?

Post by JasonsJason »

I hope he does a podcast with someone whose main issue is social anxiety. Hopefully they have overcome it and have some tips for us. If they aren't over it yet I'd assume he wouldn't post the episode because as wrong as it feels I know no one would want to listen to someone like me. Someone who cant make a friend. Someone everyone considers boring. Who would want to listen to one of us. I suppose this is why I'm not surprised there isn't an episode with someone who solely has social anxiety yet. This has been what I have struggled with my whole life. At one point I was on Paxil and for a year and a half I felt normal, happy, like I'd imagine it would be like if I never had this gorilla hanging on my heart. Then the meds stopped working, as they do and I haven't been happy since. Has anyone had a similar experience with this problem? You got one small portion of your life that made sense, where you could be the real you before it was taken away. To me it was like a tiny glimpse of Heaven. I totally connect with what Mick Betancourt said in his episode of how its all a game where you can never win. Like you're able to taste something you could never have. God I felt exactly what he was saying in episode 175 to the core. Anyway I guess I got to just tell myself its not worms and hope for a day when I could be me again around others and not just to myself in my own head. Sadly even to myself I've lost the convincing tone when I tell myself, "you are funny, they just haven't seen the real you."
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Re: Social Anxiety/Phobia podcast episodes?

Post by Emma123 »

I was just diagnosed with Social Anxiety Disorder (aka: Generalized Social Phobia, or Social Phobia if you're a DSM-V kind of person)............
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Re: Social Anxiety/Phobia podcast episodes?

Post by fieldingmellish »

This is off-topic, but there's an Australian stand-up called Luke McGregor who has social anxiety disorder. He does some really funny and honest material on the subject that is worth seeking out. He'd be a great guest for the podcast, actually.
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