I really need one right now

Don't be afraid to describe the way you'd like to be hugged and how it would make you feel.
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I really need one right now

Post by meh »

I've been looking for full time work for what seems like forever. I finally had something that looked really good - a marketing agency with offices 5 miles from my house.

Today they called and said they really want to hire me BUT... they have a client in the same business as my wife and it would be a conflict of interest so... sorry.

This is after a couple of years of looking and a lot of stress in my marriage over money.

Do you know how it feels to almost get your life back on track, only to have it snatched away for the most obscure reason??
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Re: I really need one right now

Post by cyanidebreathmint »

I've not experienced that, but I'm very sorry that happened to you. I can only imagine how stressful it feels. Hugs.
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Re: I really need one right now

Post by Cheldoll »


I'm not sure if you're in the US, but there are definitely a ton of people here having trouble looking for work. I honestly don't know much about the marketing industry, but that seems like a pretty shitty reason not to hire someone. It seems like it'd be better if they just said they didn't want to hire you -- at least then you wouldn't feel like you were so close to victory.

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Re: I really need one right now

Post by meh »


I'm in the US - New York to be exact. Not exactly a cheap place to live if only one spouse is bringing in $$$.

What really feels like a kick in the ass is that they really did want to hire me. On the bright side, after delivering that news, she asked me how much $$ I'm looking for. So hopefully they're looking for a way to bring me on board....
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Re: I really need one right now

Post by weary »

Hey buddy -

That is really rough. I'm sorry to hear that. I'm really happy to hear that they were enthusiastic about hiring you, and that the reason that they didn't really doesn't reflect poorly on you. I know that it's not much consolation since you really want the job, but I think it bodes well for the future. Your time will come. And for now, know that lots of us are rooting for you and you have these boards as a soft place to land. Thinking positive thoughts your way.
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Re: I really need one right now

Post by meh »

thanks all... I needed that
"Of course you have an active inner life, you're bipolar"
my therapist.
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