breakup :/

Don't be afraid to describe the way you'd like to be hugged and how it would make you feel.
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breakup :/

Post by norskheks »

I just broke up with my first boyfriend, of 2.5 years, last night. It was mutual, we still love each other, and we're still open to getting back together in the future if we both find ourselves more capable of a relationship (we both have mental health issues, and that plus a little to much physical distance between us, which is also related to our mental health issues in complicated ways, was our main problem). I just wish I could hug him right now, feel his warm arms around me, and smell him, the mixture of his natural scent and his cologne, feel one of his t-shirts that are really soft against my cheek, feel his beard scratching my scalp lightly, and feel really really loved and safe like I always do when we hug. His hugs were the best. :cry:
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