
Create a new topic to list your fears or just comment on other people's.
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Post by kitkat »

Ok, starting a thread for myself. I'll update when I think of more. (Since you will all be clearly riveted!)

I'm afraid I'll always be dependant on other people
I'm afraid my anxiety will prevent me from ever experiencing life.
I'm afraid I will someday ruin my children's lives with my craziness or pass it on genetically
I'm afraid I don't have the potential that I think I should.
I'm afraid I am one of those people who will always be a loser
I'm afraid all my niceness is fake and deep down I am a horrible person
I'm afraid I am forgettable
I'm afraid I will die and no one will really know me
I'm afraid that I push everyone away and in the end no one will show up to my funeral
I'm afraid some people just aren't special and I am one of them
I'm afraid I've lost all the friends I've ever made and they have all moved on
I'm afraid I won't inspire anyone
I'm afraid I don't make anyone proud
I'm afraid people are embarrassed of me
I'm afraid my brain can never be fixed
I'm afraid I have no talent
I'm afraid I'll end up old and working as a cashier
I'm afraid I already am too old and my life should be together
I'm afraid my someday kids will think I'm a failure who never accomplished anything
I'm afraid my anxiety is just an excuse to be a failure
I'm afraid I'm too depressing to be around
I'm afraid of giving my own opinions
I'm afraid I made the wrong program choice in college and now it's too late to do anything else
I'm afraid I missed my calling and there is something important that I should be doing that I could be really great at but I'll never find out what that is
I'm afraid there is no magic to the universe and no real purpose and when I die I'll just be nothing and everything was meaningless

That's all.
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