Akin to a Squirrel

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Joined: November 2nd, 2013, 8:43 am

Akin to a Squirrel

Post by Wren »

I'm afraid I will fail as an artist because I will never make enough work or if I do never pursue a lucrative avenue for it.
I'm afraid I will work in restaurants so long that I will become that sad old person that still works in restaurants that everyone knows and pities.
I am afraid if I have kids I'll want to abandon them.
I am afraid my mental health will deteriorate quickly and my husband will take care of me but find another woman and fuck her in the next room.
I am afraid I will go blind like my mother and have to give up painting.
I am afraid one day my brother will snap and kill us all.
I am afraid some day I really will try harder drugs.
I am afraid of my house burning down.
I am afraid a car will come careening around a corner while walking my dog and he will get hit but live and die a long and painful death in my arms and it will be my fault because I was bird watching.
I am afraid my sister will get married to another awful man just so I will have to care for my mother.
I am afraid of my family and showing them the real me.
I am afraid of killing my husband in my sleep.
I am afraid gravity will cease to work only on me and I will be sucked at high speed into space where I will live long enough to die utterly and completely isolated and alone.
I am afraid of being lost at sea and nibbled at by sharks.
I am afraid of lakes and the bodies that I'm certain are at the bottom of every one.
I am afraid not having a child with my husband will cause him great pain and ruin his life.
I am afraid of plummeting through space at high speeds, ie- roller coasters and falling.
I am afraid of bees, hornets, and wasps and that I will get stung to death someday, beginning with my eyes and face.
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