My First Fear Off

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Joined: June 10th, 2014, 5:34 pm

My First Fear Off

Post by Mrs.Blah »

I fear that summer will always be the worst time for my depression, and I will forever hate the 4th of July the birth of our nation.

I fear that my husband will keep lying about our financial situation, I will continue to catch him lying, and eventually we will lose our house and I will have no choice but to leave him.

I fear that I have permanently lost the ability to trust anyone.

I fear I will never have a real friend.

I fear that I will always feel judged and condescended to by my parents and my brother, and I will eventually cut all ties to them - isolating myself even more than I already have.

I fear I have lost the ability to feel pleasure from anything... Other than podcasts and audiobooks.

I fear my husband and I can't fix our lack of sex life, and it will be my fault.

I fear that I will always mistrust my mother's intentions.

I fear that I don't give my youngest the attention she needs.

I fear that I will always live in the middle of a bunch of conservative rednecks.

I fear that my husband will not finish the "shed" (hillbilly shack) taking up half our backyard, and In turn will not clean out the garage, and our house will eventually look like an episode of Hoarders.

I fear that my family will fall apart.
Posts: 55
Joined: April 24th, 2014, 6:24 pm

Re: My First Fear Off

Post by Scratch »

Very touching, Mrs. Blah. Do you mind if I ask about Independence Day and why it upsets you so much? I'm not an American but I imagine it gets taken very seriously over there, is that part of the problem for you?

Don't answer if I'm prying too much :)
I am somewhat worried I come across as a know-it-all in a lot of my posts, so please allow me to use this space to make it clear that I actually don't know shit and am just trying to be helpful.
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