Some loves <3

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Posts: 29
Joined: April 29th, 2014, 3:37 pm
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Issues: Depression

Some loves <3

Post by skylark »

I love the book and the movie "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil" - I also love the song "Skylark" and I just happened to download the soundtrack from the movie (I haven't watched it in a while but anyway) and I thought it would be a nice screen name.

I love music, I LOVE MUSIC. I'm also a another reason that's a good screen name.

I love my cats. I love animals, in general. Animals are truly a gift. They're so genuine.

I love colors.

I love coffee. I like to drink mine with stevia. I also make it and then put ice in it and drink it from a straw (doing that now.) I love options!

I love sitting on my window seat.

I love fans (like the things that blow air.)

I love pianos.

I love the sound of the breeze and watching it move the trees around.

I love the shadows the sun makes.

I love that after writing this and looking around now, I feel good after feeling down moments ago. I love that I can feel better.
"Love all, trust a few. Do wrong to none."
~William Shakespeare
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