Love today

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Love today

Post by IdentityPoltergeist »

I love when someone else reminds me of something I love that I'd forgotten or never realized I loved, like free bagpacks and notebooks, just because.
I love when I do the same for someone else, like the scent of tomato vines or a song we used to sing together.
I love when my dog puts his snout on the side of the bed in the morning to let me know he's up, and how I've trained him to do that to me for treats through the day because it makes me so happy.
I love the smell of freshly sharpened graphite pencils.
I love hopping in bed under the covers still wet from the shower, and just lying there. It feels like a spa day.
I love making pizza for other people, and how much they love my pizza.
I love when a nerd comes out to me about something we are both big fans of, like anime or dr who, and we lose track of time debating and exchanging ideas about them. It makes me feel less alone because usually I'm outcasted as soon as I open my big dumb mouth and don't know when to shut up and get a clue.
I love a good fantasy novel. More than that, I love classic literature that makes me laugh, where humor stands the tests of time through.
I love the high I get of finally, finally facing a fear and winning one battle with it. If I could put that in a pipe, I'd take it out and find a way to eat it instead, because smoking is bad for your health.
That said, I love smoking hookah or weed on a very rare occasion with close friends.
I love that people love smoking with me, and later realized it was because they loved my company whether I smoked or not. :) I am really not used to that.
I love moments when people look you in the eyes and talk to you and forget they have phones.
I love not having facebook for 2 1/2 years and being rid of the negativity, the stalkers and the access ability of my life to anyone and everyone.
I love that I can't even remember most of my high school, junior high or elementary school days and how awful they are. Even my worst day of work beats being a child imprisoned in a school system where even the teachers bullied me, and the counselors wouldn't listen and instead talked about their own perfect lives.
I love bag packs. I just really love them. Hate purses though.
I love when a cute girl compliments me and I can't tell if she's being straight-girl-nice or lezzy-flirty. (I do hate when straight girls call their friends "girlfriends" though. Annoys me to no end. Sorry, I will assume you are talking about a lover 100% of the time).
I love when a cute girl wants to be my friend. I feel like it shouldn't happen. Like she will find out I'm secretly Pervy and run away. I love when they stick around despite that. All 2 of them.
I love when a guy friend forgets I'm a girl and just nerds out with me for a while.
I love the rare moments of sanity and com placement and the feeling of "oh! That's who I am!" wonder when it happens.
I love when someone just gets real with me, puts themselves out there and exposes themselves to me. I love a good one on one conversation that ends with me feelin enlightened and connected to humanity.
"Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live." -- Oscar Wilde
Posts: 37
Joined: August 27th, 2014, 1:29 pm
Gender: Female
Issues: bipolar disorder II, OCD, anxiety, depression, loneliness
preferred pronoun: she

Re: Love today

Post by anymomentinthewoods »

You have some good loves here! I also love geeking out with somebody :) It's one of the most innocent and wonderful things.
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