Five Facts.

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Beany Boo
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Re: Five Facts.

Post by Beany Boo »

Me too.
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Re: Five Facts.

Post by oak »

Just out of curiosity, what do they drink? How much does it cost?
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Re: Five Facts.

Post by HowDidIGetHere »

I don't actually know. Seems to be various malt liquors, but I never bothered to check brands. It actually makes me a little sad by now that the smell of beer puts me off more than it relaxes me. I guess that's how long it's been since I had an enjoyable beer.

Which is funny because it's been even longer since I had an enjoyable cigarette, but I still like the smell of those.

(I asked a guy on the street today how much a pack of cigarettes costs in NYC now. He said $14. Holy crap, I'm glad I quit when I did.)
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Re: Five Facts.

Post by oak »

Oh I see! Thanks for sharing.

The other day after work I went to get sushi. There is a fairly tough convenience store next door, and there was a pretty-tough looking guy my age, walking out, smoking a cigarette. His look, while not threatening, was one of those moments where income inequality breaks down and we look each other in the eye.

There are two Americas.
Work is love made visible. -Kahlil Gibran
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Re: Five Facts.

Post by HowDidIGetHere »

Not even one day housed before girlfriend's PTSD has us moving again.

It took a helluva lot to even consider this place. I've got my own history with this city, but I was putting it aside because she said it was the only place she "made sense." Nope. No good.

Extremely tired. If not here, where?

Even better, I haven't heard from her in 12 hours and the last text I got was one word: "sick."
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Re: Five Facts.

Post by Beany Boo »

Your girlfriend has so much control.

Can you give it to her without relinquishing your own need for safety and stability?
Mr (blue) B. Boo

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Re: Five Facts.

Post by HowDidIGetHere »

I was in control for a long time and destroyed everything, so it's not unreasonable. However, one of the key factors that contribute to borderline personality disorder is being invalidated. Having zero autonomy is definitely invalidating. I keep trying to get little expressions of autonomy (like coffee money) to no avail.

It's really hard to see a way out.
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Re: Five Facts.

Post by hobojungle »

Thank you for sharing your struggle. This is an act of positive self-care. Love addiction is real.
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Re: Five Facts.

Post by HowDidIGetHere »

Thanks, hobo. You know, as much as I hate to admit it, I now believe this relationship began in a very love addicted way on my part. I know that it probably still seems that way to hear me talk about it, but I'm not 100% convinced that's the right framework for the here and now. Right now, I think it's a matter of disentangling from someone that I have traumatized but doing it with integrity. A tall order for sure. What really sucks is that I have now reached such a level of snake-eating-its-own-tail self-consciousness that I can't even text her to see how she's doing without wondering whether I'm being borderline manipulative or am trying to do what I see normal people do with the people in their lives.

On the upside, I've been to two AA meetings in the last two days and found a 7-day-a-week meeting right down the street. I know damn well that I still need medication and therapy like nobody's business, but it's a lot easier for me to walk into a meeting knowing that I could be gone tomorrow than it is to call psychiatrists and therapists.

Frankly, I think I have learned myself into a deep, dumb ditch. There's nothing more dangerous than knowledge. I mean, isn't that what got Adam and Eve thrown out on their fig-leaved asses? Yet the more I learn about treatment for borderline (which I become more and more convinced I have), the more I see what an incredible time commitment it is. I'm definitely willing to make the investment, but I don't trust that I'm actually able to.

PS -- I am freezing my ass off almost constantly, even though it's almost July. That's probably not a good thing.
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Re: Five Facts.

Post by manuel_moe_g »

Good luck "HowDidIGetHere", be compassionate with yourself, stretch out your comfort zone in healthy ways as you are able. All the best
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