Hey Everyone,
I was wondering if anyone has had experience with changing therapists. I know it’s not uncommon and would assure anyone else to not be afraid to try another therapist if the connection/empathy/focus weren’t there. But for some reason, I’m having trouble applying that advice to my own situation. I guess my biggest reasons for posting are 1) I am curious to hear if others have been in the same boat as me, and 2) I want to make sure I don’t sound off on my reasoning/concerns.
More specifically…
What are some red flags/reasons for changing therapists?
Do you have any advice/guidance for ending the patient-therapist relationship in a respectful way?
Some things I’ve been noticing about my therapy sessions for awhile now…
-I feel closed off, I put walls up because I feel shut-down/judged/minimized by my therapist when I open up about topics that feel important/vulnerable to me.
-My therapist is on his computer a lot and I rarely feel like I have his full attention.
-He eats noisily/slurps his drink while I’m talking (haha, but I may be a little oversensitive to food noises so maybe that’s just me).
-He is very sarcastic (and I can usually take it) but it feels a little too truthful/judgmental on some days…I’ve been working through anxiety/depression/ocd and more than once he’s said that I’m not further along in my recovery/life because I want to waste my life (I think this is him trying to get me to realize that actions speak louder than words but it’s hard to hear him repeat that all the time)
-He tells me to be honest and open about things that bother me/things I need/what I disagree with/any barriers to working with him but every time I do he gets defensive/raises his voice and I shut down.
-I feel like I feel too much. Write too much. Care too much. (In life in general) I know these are messages I tell myself, but several times in therapy it’s felt like these are the messages I am given as well. Maybe I am too much. Yet not enough. Haha, oh the irony of my brain. But I frequently feel in therapy (more than anywhere else) that I need to be less of myself (I feel like therapy is, among other things, about becoming comfortable with who you are and not hiding the real you?)
My fears about posting this/about considering a new therapist:
-I’m being too sensitive/making a big deal out of nothing
-That it sounds like I just want my therapist to be nice/go easy on me. I know it’s not always about feeling warm and fuzzy and I do want to be challenged in sessions…but a majority of the time I walk out feeling a lot more discouraged/lower in my mood/alone than when I walked in. Should I be feeling like I get emotionally punched in the stomach 80% of the time? haha…
-This therapist has helped me through a lot so I don’t want to seem ungrateful. The fact that he’s helped me work through some tough stuff makes me doubt myself when I think it’s time to move on now that I’m working through issues that differ from when I started.
-What if I’m just therapist-hopping to someone who tells me what I want to hear? But I have been going to this therapist for over 3 years so I guess it’s not like I haven’t been overanalyzing/thinking it through for a while now. Ha…
-That all of this is in my head/that I’m just projecting/that I should look at things more objectively/maybe it’s all just tough love
Sorry this is so long. I greatly appreciate you taking the time to read though my rambling and thank you in advance to anyone who responds. Grateful for this community…sending light to all of you.
Signs it's time to seek out a new therapist?
- Posts: 4
- Joined: October 4th, 2015, 3:36 pm
- Gender: F
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