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Re: Music

Post by snoringdog »

Reminder that music helps....

Just listened to sections of Close to the Edge, by Yes while stuck in traffic in 90 degree weather, surrounded by a mix of bonehead and aggressive drivers. Grrr! :x

Their music is mentally challenging and stimulating, and comfortable to me as an old shoe. Been listening to them for years.

Nice diversion.


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Re: Music

Post by brownblob »

I don't like people much and they don't much like me. -A Beautiful Mind
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Re: Music

Post by brownblob »

Albert King - Everybody Wants To Go To Heaven
I don't like people much and they don't much like me. -A Beautiful Mind
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Re: Music

Post by TonyM_Guest »

I sent this to Paul earlier this week but I think it's worth posting in the forums:
As I mentioned during my interview, I'm a big music geek. I wanted to give you a heads up that a new album release from one of my favorite bands focuses on various themes of mental illness -- particularly anxiety and depression. For me, personally, the tracks are really hitting home and putting my own experience into words much more poetically than I could on my own.

The band is called Leprous and the album is called "Pitfalls." They are a Norwegian progressive rock band. I'm not promoting this in any other way than as a big fan who thinks that this is relevant to this community.

Here's an Amazon link and a review if you want to vet them: ... 07WFJ9JVX/ ... n-october/
Site with lyrics for all of the songs --

From the review, there's this quote:
"The album has been written through one of my toughest years, where I struggled with depression and anxiety. No filters, no metaphors, just the truth. They say that writing music is therapeutic. but I would say that it's an understatement. For me, 'Pitfalls' is the result of one and a half years of learning how to get through the dark tunnel. The music has been my torch."

Personally, one of my favorite lines in the lead single Below should really be a struggle in a sentence -- "I don't remember why I'm here -- only why I need to disappear."
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Re: Music

Post by snoringdog »

Thanks for the posts! I have some catching up to do....

Listened to some Bach organ music by E. Power Biggs the other day....
(An old favorite album I listened to a lot when I was a kid, but hadn't heard in a number of years).

Just the right mix of tone and melody to simultaneously soothe and stimulate my overactive mind at the time!

One example

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Re: Music

Post by brownblob »

I don't like people much and they don't much like me. -A Beautiful Mind
I'm Homesick for a home I never had.--Soul Asylum "Homesick"
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Re: Music

Post by snoringdog »

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Re: Music

Post by snoringdog »

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Re: Music

Post by brownblob »

I can't dance. It makes the song very sad to me.

Here's a pretty song that somehow captures my mood in this rainy February
Matinee by Hurts To Purr
I don't like people much and they don't much like me. -A Beautiful Mind
I'm Homesick for a home I never had.--Soul Asylum "Homesick"
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Re: Music

Post by snoringdog »

Well, I can't dance either.... the harder I try the stiffer I get! Feel like Frankenstein lurching around... :lol:

"I Hope You Dance" - I take it to mean to participate instead of sitting things out....
Done enough of that and often wished I hadn't.

I liked your song selection, and have spent time doing just that - sitting alone in a matinee trying to get lost in the film....

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