Fight, Flight or Freeze without Cortisol

Merritt has 18 years experience practicing psychotherapy, with an emphasis on trauma, especially those who have been affected by sexual abuse (past or present) and/or intimate partner violence, sometimes advocating for clients in the criminal justice system. She is based in NYC.
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Joined: August 24th, 2012, 7:20 am

Fight, Flight or Freeze without Cortisol

Post by Nicole »

I was born with a condition where my body doesn't produce cortisol properly - Congential Adrenal Hyperplasia. I take medication to regulate things to a normal baseline. But, to my understanding, my cortisol doesn't fire in times of "need". What does that mean for how that might affect how I process trauma differently? I don't know enough about brain chemistry to ask a specific question about it, but I feel like I'm onto something with this connection to my cortisol. Thanks!
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