SO tired after therapy sometimes

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SO tired after therapy sometimes

Post by TCBwithBPD »

I saw my psychiatrist and my therapist today and I am BALLS ASS tired. WTF? Anyone else ever get this?

Sorry this is kind of a stupid post, but I gots no one else to talk to about it.

~shhh~ me sleep now
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Re: SO tired after therapy sometimes

Post by Murphy »

Yeah, it can definitely be draining. I think that's pretty normal.
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Re: SO tired after therapy sometimes

Post by Imissmysun »

It happens to me after I have an intense or emotional session - if I just have a chat about my week I often feel better and even hapier as I had someone to listen to me be a person - I honestly have no friends I am the loseriest loser ever so even my normal "small talk" is given to my poor therapist -

But yes after I cry out over some issue I've had I want to sleep for a million years - mostly because every time my anxiety and or depression gets trigerred I want to sleep for a million years
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Re: SO tired after therapy sometimes

Post by Beany Boo »

Heavy lifting is exhausting
Mr (blue) B. Boo

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