Hello from IL

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Hello from IL

Post by k.cam »

Well this is the first internet board I've decided to join, but it seems like the one with great intentions and a benefit to help everyone involved. Like a few others I found my way here from Pardo's NNF podcast and after a few of this shows episodes I know it will be just as great.
After reading some of the other posts, I must say that I do not suffer from what Gilmartin describes as 'mental illnesses' as bad as some other people (which already gets me saying to myself that its worthless me being here and I should quit complaining). Im 23 and for about 5 years now I've been not overcome by intense depression, but I would say that it would come and go in small doses leading me to feel a 'why bother with anything' kind of mood. After a while, this depressed sensation manifested itself into a powerful anxiety where I would have to plan my activities ahead of time and research them online to make me even feel comfortable about carrying them out (this included the simplest of things like going to the store). Im fairly new to coming to see that the way I've been was not just who I am, but a condition onto its own that inflicts its damage upon me.
This podcast so far has been great help for helping me come to this realization and to give me the comfort that I am not alone in a struggle with what goes on inside my head. Specifically differentiating between my true personality and false, negative signals that are being sent through my brain such as to worry about going out to a restaurant because of some irrational danger fantasy that could happen is something I'm now awakened to and am so grateful that this podcast has helped me in this way.
Thanks again and look forward to discussions on the board
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Paul Gilmartin
Posts: 363
Joined: March 22nd, 2011, 9:54 pm
Gender: male
Issues: Depression, Alcoholism, Drug Addiction, Incest Survivor
preferred pronoun: He
Location: Los Angeles

Re: Hello from IL

Post by Paul Gilmartin »


Welcome! Thanks for your kind words. When I hear people say this podcast helps them feel less alone and hopeless, it makes me smile, and convinces me that this a worthwhile effort. Thank you for giving me feedback, without it, I wouldn't know if I'm reaching anyone or not. And lastly, when someone tells me they feel less alone, I feel less alone. I do this podcast as much for me as I do for you guys. And it feels so freeing to say that!

http://mentalpod.comNothing degrades the quality of my life like obsessing about the quality of my life.
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