Ooh look

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Ooh look

Post by kitkat »

I'm catching up on old tv shows, so I just saw Scott Stossel on The Colbert Report (over here: http://www.colbertnation.com/the-colber ... tt-stossel) talking about his book about Anxiety and I just thought that was really awesome. The book sounds super interesting, has anyone read it? I just ordered it at the library, but it will probably take a while until it's my turn on the list. Mostly, I just love seeing things like that on TV, he talked about stuff he was afraid of and how he's on meds and how he didn't want to tell people that before. And they joked a bit, because it's that kind of show, but I thought it was alright. I didn't find it offensive anyway, haha.

And I was just super impressed that someone with an anxiety disorder could go on a talkshow even though he was nervous, it's awesome. :D (pssssst, maybe he should come on the podcast) Super brave! And it's always great when mental illness info can reach a broad audience. :D

Just wanted to share :)
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Re: Ooh look

Post by bigeekgirl »

That sounds like an amazing read. I love reading things which make my crazy-making brain functions seem normal and adaptive.

The Introvert Advantage: Making the Most of Your Inner Strengths was helpful like that, too.
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Re: Ooh look

Post by bigeekgirl »

OMG! They did a "fear off." ROFL
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Re: Ooh look

Post by kitkat »

I know! When I saw that my mouth dropped, haha. I wish they had more time to do more! XD

And I'll check out that book too! I love books like that too. It's so refreshing :)
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Re: Ooh look

Post by bigeekgirl »

I read the Kindle sample. It seems like it's going to be right up my alley. I have such a need to identify with others who have similar experiences along with the research he did to understand it intellectually, too.
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Re: Ooh look

Post by Jitters »

Thanks for that. The video was a nice respite from feeling a little alone. I think I'll try that book. I want to start reading more books about anxiety, but I can't help but roll my eyes at a lot of self help etc.. that just seems like a money grab.
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Re: Ooh look

Post by kitkat »

It's only a money grab if it doesn't help, hehe. I'd encourage you to give them a try, I've found a lot of them to be very helpful and informative, and most of the ones I've read were recommended by my psychiatrist, so that helps. If you live near a library, you can try taking them out from there too, so you can test it out instead of spending the money. :)
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Re: Ooh look

Post by kitkat »

I just watched this episode with another mental health guest! It's not related really, but I thought I'd post here instead of making another thread.. haha Here's the link:

http://www.colbertnation.com/the-colber ... ck-kennedy

He talks about mental health discrimination and addiction. This stuff in the media just makes me so happy. :D
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Re: Ooh look

Post by Brooke »

Thanks for sharing! I didn't know of Scott S. and I just watched a bunch of interviews on YouTube. People that are so honest like him and Paul G. are so brave and inspirational. It must have taken a lot of courage to come out. It would be so liberating to just come out like that, but I'm a chicken and am afraid of judgement. I totally have a facade up with everybody and I can't share my depression and anxiety with people. I'm starting to come out just a little with people that I can trust, but I can't trust people completely so that's why I can't express myself. I feel like whatever you expose to the light gets healed and diminishes. I so badly want to come out to people, but am still just so afraid. But I've got that goal, so writing here so honestly is my practice. It's really therapeutic. I've never really told anyone about my mental illness, so I don't know how. It's either dumping it all out (and being way too heavy) or I'm fake as hell. So I need to learn how to balance it out so I can talk about it, but not let it get all codependent-heavy. If society was more tolerant to 'darker feelings' that everybody has, then I don't think there would be so much mental ill patients. It's the hiding and the shame that comes with it that keeps the disease strong. I can't expect others to change, so I need to be the courageous one that speaks first. I think a lot of people will be relieved if the other person becomes vulnerable first.
Today I had an anxiety attack and writing here really helped. Watching Scott's videos helped too.
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