Link: Creativity "closely entwined with mental illness"

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Link: Creativity "closely entwined with mental illness"

Post by gfyourself »

Posts: 4
Joined: July 5th, 2012, 4:07 pm

Re: Link: Creativity "closely entwined with mental illness"

Post by Elaine »

interesting and I have heard this before and believe it to be true for myself and others I know who are creative. Are you creative? For me it is a drug, I can loose myself in a project for hours as if I am high. I struggle to know if this is healthy or not. I experienced this last week, when I spent days planning a decorating project and when it was over - the rush was done and I get depressed again. So is this escape or is it a good thing to nurish your creative side. Hard to know. Mental illness runs in my family and I suffer from depression and anxiety and alcoholism. My son is very artistic as well and some of his art is almost distrurbing and I ask him if he is OK - where did the images come from, and he says he doesn't know, he just sees stuff. He is 20. I have encouraged him to pursue his art as he loves it, but this article really makes you wonder where it all comes from. thank you.
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