serious_oregon wrote:Let's have another get together as the MIHH PNW Chapter. We can all use the support and love. We'll Skype Paul in
This WILL happen. Let's not wait tooooo long!
Paul Gilmartin wrote: I feel heard, loved, accepted, supported, encouraged and felt.
I'm glad. I felt the same way! Everyone was so sweet and open.
It was great being around a group of people who were basically strangers, but I felt that in some way we already knew each other, or at least
understood each other. People who talk about Real, Important things without having to fill every second of silence with smalltalk. There was a kinship. Even though I was very anxious and self-conscious in myself, I did not feel uncomfortable or awkward with everyone else - and that's saying something! I realized that the last time I felt so accepted in a group of relative-strangers was when I attended PNW Unitarian Universalist Young Adult Cons. And then I started daydreaming about a weekend-long MIHH retreat, especially since I'm now too old to attend the PNWUUYA Cons. Oh, I think I'm getting way ahead of myself.