Greetings Mental Pod People

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Pumping Sunshine
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Greetings Mental Pod People

Post by Pumping Sunshine »

Alright everybody here is my scorecard

34 yr old Male
Father of two
General anxiety disorder
Nervous Breakdown

I'm a mess...I had my nervous breakdown while I was employed as a teacher, they were not sympathetic, and lost my job because of it. So now I am virtually unemployable as an educator and am now grossly underearning in a sales position that I feel might be sucking out large chunks of my soul everyday. I am on meds for my depression and anxiety and am attending regular counseling, but it is still really hard for me to feel positive about the future. The fact that I am so underemployed is the biggest cause for my anguish right now. My current job is so far beneath me and my abilities but I don't know how to recover. I don't know what to do next...even posting this here seems like a desperate clutching at straws that leaves me feeling pathetic. I want to do great things, but I feel so trapped by my past. I don't know what to do, and that is leaving more deflated that I can put into words. I am utterly lost.
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Re: Greetings Mental Pod People

Post by duck1 »


I identify on many levels.
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Re: Greetings Mental Pod People

Post by kitkat »

Big hugs and welcomes! I can't believe they would fire you over that. It sounds like something that should be illegal or something. :/

There are a few topics here about under earning and the like around the forum that might be helpful for you. :)

Best of luck!
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Re: Greetings Mental Pod People

Post by oak »


You are not alone when it comes to underearning. Here is a thread relating my struggles with it from this summer:

Speaking only for myself, underearning will destroy/kill me sooner or later. Unless I take action. I have found Good Orderly Direction, and in fact healing, through my Higher Power, Richard Nelson Bolles, author of "What Color is Your Parachute". I say this without being flip; underearning is no laughing matter.

I hope things work out for you.

A little tough love lesson I had to learn: I was able to stumble, half asleep, into underearning. To the extent that I am leaving it, I had to stride, stride towards a North Star.

I hope things get better for you.

There is hope.
Work is love made visible. -Kahlil Gibran
A person with a "why" can endure any "how". -Viktor Frankl
Which is better: to be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? -Skyrim
Hail Ceasar
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Re: Greetings Mental Pod People

Post by Hail Ceasar »

Welcome dude. Like many others, I can relate to your employment woes. Hope to see ya around these parts! :D
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Re: Greetings Mental Pod People

Post by reddelicious »

Greetings to you too!

There is such much of your story I can relate to. Thank you for sharing.

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