Its not cancer, but it is still a big deal,

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Its not cancer, but it is still a big deal,

Post by lawlessness45 »

Insensitive things people have said about my renal failure:

At least its not cancer. I've gotten this one at least 6 times. So much that I've stopped telling people about my kidney disease and my need for a transplant just because I don't want to hear it again.

No. Its not cancer. But by saying that you are diminishing how big of a deal it actually is. It’s like you are saying I shouldn’t be upset by it because “its not cancer.” It is still a big deal. I will have this condition the rest of my life. I will be dealing with multiple transplants and the constant possibility of rejection my entire life. I will have to take various antirejection meds that have a myriad of side effects my entire life. This changes how I thought I would live my life. Transplant isn’t a “one and done” type thing. It sure as hell isn’t a cure for my condition. It is a way to manage it. How dare you say “at least its not cancer”. At least with cancer there is the possibility of remission. There is no possibility of remission with this disease. I will have it my entire life. I’m only 28. Fucking 28! I’ve sat in waiting rooms where I am the youngest one in there. The only one under 60. Multiple times. Do you know how isolating that is? Furthermore, this condition isn’t my fault. I didn’t cause the bacterial infection that attacked my kidneys. I was 3 at the time. What 3 year old has control over that kind of thing? What adult has control of that kind of thing? I’m not saying cancer isn’t a big deal. I’m not saying cancer doesn’t sucks. Cancer is a horrible disease. But don’t deny me my grief because “it isn’t cancer”. It’s still a lifelong disease that I will be dealing with. Still a disease I will have to manage and watch and be diligent about. It’s still a big deal. Even if it’s not cancer.

I'm just feeling grief stricken today....and tired. Tired of all the placating bullshit.
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Re: Its not cancer, but it is still a big deal,

Post by manuel_moe_g »

Please take care, lawlessness45. It sucks how some people turn suffering into a competition. I honor your sense of suffering and pain. You don't deserve it because you deserve much much better. Please know we here are cheering for you and for your greatest today and tomorrow, and you are not alone.
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Re: Its not cancer, but it is still a big deal,

Post by lawlessness45 »

Thanks Moe. I really appreciate your response and the encouragement you have given me.
"Though my soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light. I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night."
Sarah Williams
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