Overwhelming feeling of having had a narrow escape

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Overwhelming feeling of having had a narrow escape

Post by neufena »

Does anyone else ever get the overwhelming feeling of having had a really narrow escape? Like the got away with it this time and not to be so reckless in the future?

Specifically, right now I did several really stupid things at the weekend and (so far) there's been no consequences but I can't help feeling I've been really lucky. I was working at a festival and I did the following:

Wore shorts (I never do that, my legs are really ugly, not muscly enough for a man, snow white and covered in unsightly moles. People don't need to see that
Got a 'glitter beard' which people seemed to like on the whole but attracted lots of attention and I could easily have attracted pis taking comments or got me in trouble with work
Forgot to hand back a key and took it home with me (3 hours drive away from the festival).

Now I feel really on edge and just want to cry.
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Re: Overwhelming feeling of having had a narrow escape

Post by manuel_moe_g »

It may not seem like it to you now, but you are worthy of joy and release. You didn't do anything wrong. You deserve peace and the chance to cut loose.
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