The Sound of Metal

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The Sound of Metal

Post by rivergirl »

I watched the movie The Sound of Metal, starring Riz Ahmed, on Amazon Prime on Friday night. It's about a heavy metal drummer who recovered from heroin addiction but then lost his hearing. I think it is at least partially based on a true story.

I related to the main character's struggle to find a way to go on after losing the things that formerly gave his life meaning.

The main character goes to stay at a rehab that is part of a deaf community. The head of the rehab tells him that there's a place of stillness that can be found, and once you find it there's no fear and it will never abandon you.

I want to find that place but I'm wondering if some people just aren't wired that way. It seems to me that I've only felt safe in this way when in a relationship. I'm trying to achieve some peace of mind while on my own through therapy, meditation, etc. but it seems elusive.

If anyone else saw the movie I'd be curious what your take is on what it means to find stillness.

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Re: The Sound of Metal

Post by snoringdog »

Hello RG,

Happy New Year!

Just saw this pop in as I was reading your last post.
I'll add it to the Holiday Gifts list just offered to me by Oak :D
(Looking forward to catching up).

Stillness - It's so very hard to find for those of us who are naturally anxious!
The best times for me are in natural surroundings, and when I'm nature or bird watching.
Either focusing on something vibrant and beautiful or anticipating someone popping by is the perfect mix of concentrated mental focus and relaxed enjoyment.

(Also with a little but-not-too-much(!) interaction with fellow birders ;) ).

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