Hello! I’m Kayla

This is a great way to begin using the site and to give us a chance to get to know you. We can't connect with you if we don't know what's going on with you!
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Issues: Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar Disorder, undiagnosed ADHD, PTSD
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Hello! I’m Kayla

Post by HippiePanda »

Hello, my name is Kayla. I suffer from anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorder. Although I haven’t been diagnosed due to no money for therapy as of the last 10+ years, I believe I also have ADHD and PTSD. My mother passed away due to what is believed to be an accidental overdose when I was 14, abusive step parent moved in about 2 months later, and the story just gets wilder from there. I love to listen and to help people who need it. :)
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Re: Hello! I’m Kayla

Post by manuel_moe_g »

Hello HippiePanda, welcome to our little forum!

At the top of the page, you can click the "Quick links" menu, select "Active topics" to stay up to date with the forum activity.

At the bottom of the page, under the "Wrench"-menu/Topic-tools menu, you can "Subscribe topic" to never miss a post to the topics you are most interested in.

URL links are currently turned off because of anti-spam, feel free to post with extra spaces in a URL you wish to share, a moderator will come back and fix your URL link, no problem!

I wish you had the means to be professionally diagnosed, and I am sorry to hear about your mother and your step-parent.

All the best to you, keep the lines of communication open, thanks for visiting our forum!
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Re: Hello! I’m Kayla

Post by nightcitysong »

Welcome to the forum :) Glad to have you here.
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