Hi SD, a medication update:snoringdog wrote: ↑February 24th, 2024, 6:15 am Just checking in, hope you're able to wean yourself from the meds without more trouble.
I now feel completely free from the vortioxetine after more than five weeks. The vertigos have subsided and so have the cold brain zaps. Still having the occasional sleep apnea but the episodes seem less severe, it's more like waking up abruptly than "omg I'm dying".
There are some other lasting changes after the medication and the therapy, for example I don't get anxious or riled up easily. Wife got wound up on the last day of the trip about something I said about the Spanish compared to the Italians and said she "didn't want to live with a person like me". Probably mother-in-law was lurking too, dialling in remotely from more than 1500 kilometres away. I was just, oh well, when maybe before I'd become upset. Then I got the silent treatment for the rest of the day, but it's as if I can let the aggression flow past me now. Even the crammed flight home with screaming teenagers kicking my seat and severe turbulence wasn't able to shake me, when I'd normally would have had to take a double Xanax.